Friday, April 21, 2006

Where Have We Been

Where have we many places all at one time. And now, the "POND" has given us, reflections of the beginnings to come.

The Dream Weaver has gifted us, with more then mere memories.

Where have we been.

 The memories of this beginning are safely held within the "POND".  We know it is almost time to wake.................and we want the Others, to be there with us. The moon is leaving the "POND" to make room, for the Spring breeze and the Dream Weaver is happy, and we have been walking in the nite. Living through our dreams.

Where have we been.

Everywhere and no where and gladly will we return.  The Stranger sang from across the "POND", I wonder where I have been and where I am going? Only to have the "POND" answer through the ripples of it's sleep, to know that, would be to no longer be part of the beginnings. The very next Breeze could very well be the next beginning.

As the "POND" prepared to wake.

There was no time and yet it is the best of times. The "POND" has known all the times in all of the beginnings, and will be there when we wake.

Where have we been..........................Everywhere and back again.


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