Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Free Wind

This beginning found me caught, in a Free Wind,  and I wonder, have you ever dreamed, that, you lost yourself.

The "POND" was no where, to be found. At least not in this place. I couldn't feel the "POND" any longer, even the stars were hidden. The path was unfamiliar.

 This path began and began again, with out an answer. You can't go on saying the same thing, saving all the questions, for each time you go away. There is no waiting for a "Free Wind", it comes and goes as it travels within itself. For a traveler, simply seeking a path, darkness, can be less then a friend. It is the hidden road and I have such a long way to go. I was born to be that man. And yet that doesn't answer any of the questions. And I was no where in sight, when the church bells rang, reminding me how to listen, even if I didn't understand what I heard.

The Sun went down, but was it the right time of the nite. No use talking when the shadows fall. There was, a "Free Wind", but only for a short time, passing so quickly and unable to believe.

There is really nothing I can do, except everything. Some times in my life there is sorrow, but the "POND" has shown us, that, there is always tomorrow, and the "POND" would find me right where it had been, through all the beginnings. The "POND" would listen, reflect, ripple with the fascination of all that happened, and the "Others", would come and listen, to the reflection of my tale, of a, "Free Wind". And we would all wonder if the "Free Wind", would blow through my hair, or simply change it's name.

Do the days get longer, or does a "Free Wind" simply move, as time passes, by. 

The"POND" knows and I need to touch its water, to understand:

A "Free Wind"

I want to wake up, and be there. I remember, the "POND", I had learned, to live life, in every beginning, moment by moment. And the "POND" knows my name. Once is not enough, it happens all the time. Simply turn the other way. The "Others" all knew, there would be a different day. And the"POND" said one more time: Remember always that,

Butterfly's are free and so is the "WIND"

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