Monday, January 23, 2006

The Other

It was most certainly in the beginning. He approached the "POND" On four feet. Of course they knew each other. And the "POND" asked where have you been. So many beginnings, Come, touch and feel. And the "Other" did. And the "POND" knew all there was to know and the "Other" was content. The "Other" knew he should tell the whole story, it was after all "A Tale of Many Tongues". And the "Other" wondered, did the "POND" really know? I was sent to tell all the others. The Grand Poodie has sent me from the Planet Poodie to tell the others that all is not well. And surely it must change. The "POND" rippled with the fascination of knowledge. The "Other" reminded the "POND" that his name was Oodie. The "POND" simply rippled. Through the beginnings the "POND" had always and would always know. The "Other" again stepped closer and saw his reflection upon the surface of the "POND". You do know me and always have. I see myself in you and I wonder how deep you are. So much to do and so many beginnings to do it in. The "POND" knowing no endings, simply acknowledged the "Other" and the "Other" knew, the "POND" would always be his.

 There came in the distance a warning: beware, of the Doodle Ray. The "Other" Thought, surely, we are all more then a mere  green gelatinous gel. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder, what flavor I would be. hehehehehe!

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